The fuel mix table represents the combined energy we provided to our customers for the disclosure period 01/04/2023 to 31/03/2024.
Coal 10.6%
Natural Gas 49.2%
Nuclear 7.7%
Renewable 27.7%
Other 4.8%
CO2 Emissions g/kWh 338
Radioactive Waste g/kWh 0.00046
Coal 0.0%
Natural Gas 0.0%
Nuclear 0.0%
Renewable 100.0%
Other 0.0%
CO2 Emissions g/kWh 0
Radioactive Waste g/kWh 0
Coal 14.7%
Natural Gas 67.9%
Nuclear 10.6%
Renewable 0.2%
Other 6.6%
CO2 Emissions g/kWh 466
Radioactive Waste g/kWh 0.00064
We are always encouraging organisations to develop their renewable obligations. For more information, contact us.