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Microbusiness using under 100,000 kWh for Power

Microbusiness using under 293,000 kWh for Gas
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What is a Small Business Consumer (SBC)?

From the 19th of December 2024, the small business consumer has been defined as fulfilling one of the following criteria;

  • Has fewer than 50 employees (or their full-time equivalent) AND an annual turnover of £6.5 million, or a balance sheet total of £5million
  • Uses less than 200,000kWh of electricity a year
  • Uses less than 500,000kWh of gas a year

At point of contract discussion please provide evidence to confirm your business should be considered as Small Business based on the above definition. This will be in place for contractual period, but after contract ends your business will be re-assessed to confirm that it should remain defined as a Small Business.

Please see for additional information on Small Business Consumers